Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Think about this

I shall now rant about how it is that almost everybody has a blog, but some people have really suckish blogs that they don't put much effort to which causes the really cool blogs that DO have LOTS of effort put into them to be unread, which causes me to be extremely angry at society for creating lazy people. But no one cares so I'm going to go croqueting for a while to blow off steam

But of course, no one will ever read this








The General rules of Croquet
A coin toss should determine who goes first. Among younger players, there is often a rush to get a certain color. Color determines order and should be allocated based on teams selected and the coin toss. It should be noted that there is not a particular advantage to being first. In fact, many players prefer to be late in the order.

The player to begin play places his ball about mid-way between the stake and the first wicket. He hits his ball with the mallet and attempts to pass through the wickets before him. If he passes through both wickets, he receives two bonus strokes.

Generally, bonus strokes do not accumulate - only the last bonus strokes earned are allowed (the exception being the two wickets at the starting or turning stakes). Bonus strokes are awarded for going through a wicket, for hitting a stake, or for hitting another ball.

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